MARKETPLACE by The Lighting Marketplace

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Refund Policy

If you've changed your mind about an item you bought or there's something wrong with it, you can request a return. Once you request a return, the seller should get back to you within 3 business days. If the seller doesn't respond or you're unable to resolve the issue with them, you can ask us to step in and help. Get your refund Most sellers refund as soon as they get the item back. If the item has been returned to the seller and they haven't given you a refund after 2 business days, you can ask The Lighting Marketplace team to step in and help. Get help from The Lighting Marketplace Team Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, we're here to help. Here are the main reasons you might ask us to step in and help on a return: The seller hasn't responded to your return request after 3 business days The seller responded, but hasn't provided a resolution (for example, they accepted the return but didn't provide a return shipping label) You returned the item and it's been delivered back to the seller, but they haven't processed a refund by the refund deadline

Refund Policy

If you've changed your mind about an item you bought or there's something wrong with it, you can request a return.

Once you request a return, the seller should get back to you within 3 business days. If the seller doesn't respond or you're unable to resolve the issue with them, you can ask us to step in and help.

Get your refund Most sellers refund as soon as they get the item back. If the item has been returned to the seller and they haven't given you a refund after 2 business days, you can ask The Lighting Marketplace team to step in and help.

Get help from The Lighting Marketplace Team Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, we're here to help.

Here are the main reasons you might ask us to step in and help on a return:

The seller hasn't responded to your return request after 3 business days The seller responded, but hasn't provided a resolution (for example, they accepted the return but didn't provide a return shipping label) You returned the item and it's been delivered back to the seller, but they haven't processed a refund by the refund deadline